
May 25, 2009

The Body Invader - Bodyguard for Enemies

I have come across a video clip from National Geographic program which is really interesting. However, the video may look gross to those who hate or have phobia of caterpillars. Watch at your own risk.=)

A wasp had laid its eggs into the body of a catepillar. The larvae hatched and grew inside the catepillar body, feeding on their host's blood. As they grew larger, they broke out from the catepillar skin using their tiny saw-like teeth!

The catepillar is not dead yet, at that moment. The larvae of the wasp then spinned their own cocoons. The poor catepillar will then start to act as a body guard protecting the wasp larvae until it eventually starves to death.

The wasp larvae not only parasitised the catepillar, they manipulated the behaviours of their host to protect them through the pupa stage when they were vulnerable to other predators! The poor catepillar protected its enemies till the end of its life.

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